Reconciliation Week 2016

National Reconciliation Week is celebrated across Australia each year between 27th of May and the 3rd of June. The dates represent two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey.

27th of May – Marks the anniversary of the 1967 referendum which gave the Commonwealth the power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and recognise them in the national census.

3rd June – Is the anniversary of when The High Court of Australia delivered the Mabo decision in 1992 which legally recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a special relationship to the land.

Below are three BTN stories. The first and second videos explain the significance of Reconciliation Week and the third video explains who Mabo actually was and what he did for Indigenous people.

Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements.

As a class we created Aboriginal dot paintings using an outline of our hands and the colours of orange, white, black and yellow which are most commonly seen in Indigenous Australian Art.

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We also watched the three BTN episodes about Reconciliation Week and Mabo Day and we each wrote a reflection piece about the significance of both. We then typed these up and attached them to our art work.



What do you think Reconciliation means?

Why do you think it is important to recognise everyone no matter their culture or background?

What do you know about Indigenous Australians and their culture?

28 thoughts on “Reconciliation Week 2016

  1. Hello,
    This is Mrs. CDR. What beautiful works of Art! It is so important to be accepting of any culture because our differences is what makes our countries unique. Let’s embrace eachother, no matter what!!

  2. Dear miss Baldwin,

    I think reconciliation means to recognise.

    I think it is important to recognise everyone no matter their culture
    or background because everyone is the same and everyone should get treated the same way.

    I know that the aboriginal people came here first and this is their land,

    regards Amani

  3. Dear mrs Baldwin,
    I think reconciliation means to work together with aboriginal people and to be sorry for what are ancestors did.

    It is important to recognise everyone the same because we are all human beings on this planet all 7 billion of us I’m pretty sure no matter what we are all the same

    Indigenous people are friendly in most cases unless they’re being territorial. Indigenous people apparently like to dance when my Friday teacher Mrs Wendy went to Eyres Rock she met a group of Indigenous people who put on a show and sold them some souvenirs for money. Ms Wendy still has two little sticks she bought from the Indigenous people.
    From Kain.M

  4. Dear Mrs B

    reconciliation week is important it means to recognise and try to close the gap.

    i think it is important to recognise different cultures and backgrounds because people won’t have anywhere to live and spend time to have fun.

    i know that aboriginals should have the rights to live in our country.

  5. Dear Ms Baldwin,

    I think Reconciliation means no matter who we are we all have the same rights.

    I think Its important to recognise every one because we are all different and thats ok.

    I know The aboriginals have special spiritual relationships and thats pretty cool.

    Sincerely Hudson

  6. To Mrs Baldwin,

    Reconciliation means we celebrate everyone and their culture. Also to celebrate Aboriginals and Torren strait Islanders.

    I think it is important to recognise everyone no matter their culture and background because everyone is the same.

    I know that Indigenous Australians before sand that we stole their land.

    From Emily

  7. I think Reconciliation means saying sorry for what we’ve done to the aboriginals and Torres Straight Islanders culture.

    I think it is important to recognise everyone no matter what culture or backround because their still a person whats wrong with just being different.

    I know that aboriginals never went to church, they have been here for 60,000 years and they worshiped another God.

  8. Dear Mrs Baldwin,

    I think Reconciliation means try to fill the gap or get together.

    I think it is important to recognise everyone no matter what there
    backround is because if we didn’t there would be wars and big fights.

    I know that the settlers came to Australia in 1836 also the aboriginals were here before us.

  9. Dear miss Baldwin,

    Reconciliation means getting along and becoming friends with the Indigenous Australians and making Australia a more equal place.

    It is important to recognise peoples culture and religion because we are all the same on the inside but we might look different on the outside and if we don’t then we are not being kind to others.

    I know that Indigenous Australians were there before us and that we stole their land I also know that indigenous Australians hunted for their own food.

    Kind Regards Alicia

  10. Dear Miss B,

    Reconciliation means recognize I think because it’s about getting together & remembering them & recognize comes from the recon in reconciliation

    I think its important to recognize everyone for who they are no matter there culture or back round because we shouldn’t by our colour of skin

    I know that the early settlers came in 1836 because of the 36s basketball team and that the British did devastating things like take there children

    Kind regards Laila

  11. Dear Mrs Baldwin,

    Reconciliation means getting together &closing the gap between different cultures people.

    I think it is important to recognise everyone no matter his or her culture & background because it is trying to be nice & make the world an equal place.
    If we didn’t be nice to each other there would be different wars going on & maybe your best friend is from a different culture & you got taken away from each other.

    I know that indigenous Australians tried to get their language & culture back so everybody will have more respect for each other.

    From TARJ

  12. Hi miss Baldwin,
    I think that reconciliation means coming together as stay together and try to fill the gap between all Australians.

    I think is important recognises everyone no matter their culture or background because al through they might be different their all humans and should be treated like you would like to be treated.
    I know that indigenes Australians and their culture should not be forgotten and were here a long time ago. Indigenes Australians are a big part of Australia.

    Indigenes Australians should never be forgotten or excluded again.

    From Tia

  13. Dear Mrs Baldwin,

    Reconciliation means to recognise indigenous Australians and their cultures. It also means to trust the Indigenous and to help them.

    I think it is important to recognise everyone no matter their culture and background because of the troubles they’ve faced and scared they’ve become.

    I know that indigenous Australians had completely different seasons, summer, sumn, autumn
    , winter, sprinter, spriner, spring.

    From Ava

  14. Dear Mrs Baldwin

    Reconciliation means the white people recognising Aboriginals and Torres Strait
    Islanders and closing the gap about trusting Indigenous people.

    I think it is important to recognise every one no matter there culture and background because everyone is important because there different no matter if it’s the colour of there skin or the colour of there hair were all the same were all the same.

    I know that the Indigenous Australians lived on our land before we were here and that is important enough to give them rights.

    Kind regards from yours truly Sergio.

  15. Dear Mrs Baldwin

    Reconciliation means when you recognise every one and fix the gap between us.

    Think it is important to recognise very one no mater there culture and background because it is really important to them.

    I no that indigenous people have bean around for along time and we have to save there Lang wig for them.

    From Aimme

  16. Dear Mrs Baldwin

    I think Reconciliation means that that to
    Realise what we have done and make friends and get together.

    I think it is important to realise everyone no matter their culture `
    And background because we need to get along and make friends.

    I know that indigenous Australia’s and their culture and how long they have been here in Australia.

    From Sophia

  17. Dear mrs Baldwin

    Reconciliation means to be nice to aboriginals from different states.

    I think it is important to recognise everyone no matter there culture and backround because the aboriginals lost their home a long time ago

    I know that aboriginals where here before the English where here

  18. Dear B
    Reconciliation means we a respect Aboriginal and to recognise other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

    I think it is important to recognise everyone no matter what there Culture or Background is because it is showing respect and if we did’t there would be a gap between everyone.

    I know that some Aboriginal lounges were lost and we need to close the gap also some kid’s were taken away from there parents

    sincerely Keiren

  19. Dear Miss Baldwin

    Reconciliation week means to recognise the aboriginal culture and the tori state islanders and close the gap.

    I think it is important to recognise everyone no matter there culture and background because before settlers came Australia belonged to aboriginals and they just took it over.

    Before settlers came there used to be thousands of aboriginal groups and now there is only just a couple soon there will be none.

    Sincerely Finn

  20. Dear Mrs Baldwin,

    Reconciliation means to recognise other cultures and it also means to close the gap between the Aboriginal’s and Australian’s.

    I think it is important to recognise people no matter the colour of their skin their culture and their background because if we didn’t the world would have more wars split families and the world would not be a fair place to live in.

    I know that the Aboriginal’s were the first ones here and they have been here for a long time and they are very important to our land and I don’t want to change that.

    From Bridie

  21. Dear mrs Baldwin,

    Reconciliation week means close the gap and recognise the other cultures that our in our land

    I think it is important to recognise everyone no matter their culture and back round because there would be more wars.

    I know that Aboriginals were here first so we have to respect them.

    From lachlan

  22. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    I think Reconciliation means when the Torrens straight Islanders recognise each other with the aboriginals.
    I Think it is important to recognise everyone no matter their culture or background because you respect and care for the Aboriginals.
    I know that the indigenous Australians came here first.

    From Steven

  23. Dear Mrs Baldwin,

    Reconciliation means to me that Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people and British people getting along.

    I think it is important to recognise every one no matter their culture.
    Because if Aboriginals didn’t make friends with British people we would have aboriginals at out of school not a public school. And British people at a different school. And people wouldn’t be nice to one another they would say bad things about each other.

    I know that Aboriginals and Torres Strait islander people had Eddie mabo and he was probably their hero.

    From Matilda 😃

  24. dear Mrs Baldwin,

    reconciliation means to recognise and respecting other coutures. Also to make sure that indigenous Australia’s and Torres Strait islanders are getting a good life we have.

    i think it is important to recognise everyone no matter there coutures and there background because the world would not be the same. a lot more wars and we would not have this lucky country we have know.

    i know that the indigenous australians where not allowed to vote and they came in 1836. we remember that number because of the Adelaide 36’s basket ball team

    kind regards

  25. Dear Mrs Baldwin,

    Reconciliation means to recognise other cultures that are not your cultures.

    I think it is important to recognise everyone no matter were they come from because we must close the gap and we don’t what more wars! The only thing I know is that they were on this land before we came here and we must never take from them again. It from them!! We all should love the country and we must not ever change it.

    Kind regards Ambah!

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