Can you convince me?

Our main genre type that we have been focusing on this term has been Persuasion Writing.

What is the purpose?

The purpose of a persuasive text is to develop ideas and supporting details in order to present a logical argument from a particular point of view.

We began by discussing the structure of persuasive texts by looking at several different examples.


Introduction: States what the issue or topic is and what you think about it. It can also be used to attract attention.

Arguments: These are a series of points with supporting evidence.

Conclusion: This is where you restate your opinion and your arguments.

 This week we were able to choose a topic that we felt passionate about and write a persuasive piece to convince the reader of our opinion. There were a range of topics chosen, some focusing on things to change at school and others focusing wider on issues involving the world around us.

We were all very excited to share a view points of different issues and it was great to have the opportunity to share our opinions. Some of us used the iPads to help make our arguments stronger by collecting evidence to support what we wanted to write. We also had to make sure we used strong words which are called modal verbs.

Some examples of these words include:

For                             Against

must                           must not

will                             will not

would                        would not

should                       should not

may                           may not

always                       never

Some of the topics we chose were:

  • Dogs are better than cats
  • We should have tennis at school
  • We should learn chess at school
  • Older students should be able to do a school concert
  • Students should be allowed to do Minecraft at school
  • Kids should play sport everyday
  • Room 10 should have a pet lizard
  • We should have swimming lessons during school term
  • Animals should not be in zoos
  • We should have a swimming pool at school
  • Tony Abbott should not be Prime Minister
  • We should not kill animals that are in a shelter
  • Fishermen should not use nets near whales
  • Students should go on school camp every year.

Once our drafts have finished we will type them up onto a Word Document and then print them to place around the room. Here are some samples of what we wrote.

Topic: Stop cutting down trees for palm oil.

“Firstly we should not cut down trees the area size of New Jersey. An example of this is every year an area of rainforests the size of New Jersey is cut down and destroyed. This is harmful and cruel to the animals and plants that live in rainforests….” by Cooper

Topic: Dogs are better than cats.

“Secondly cats only care about themselves when they grow up. They will sleep in your house and then they will wake up and go outside and explore. You probably won’t even see your cat that whole day and if you had a dog it would be the complete opposite….” by Piper

Topic: Students should go to camp every year.

Firstly, I’m certain that students will learn many new things about the environment. For example you get to go on a terrific safari and the people will talk about the environment. You will see the best things about the environment with your own eyes which is better than in a book…” by Jasmine

What did you enjoy the most about the persuasive writing task?

What was your topic and why do you feel strongly about it?

Who could you send your writing piece to so that you could convince them that your opinion is correct?


13 thoughts on “Can you convince me?

  1. the thing i enjoy the most about it is that you get to say what you want to say even if other elope disagree it is your chse

  2. Dear mrs b
    I injoyed most about the presagon task is because it was fun and introtesting
    Min is we shoud stop gutting trees for Palm oil
    I wod sand may argomaent to the gaverment

    By cooper 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

    1. dear mis baldwin i enjoyed it because it was fun and inserting as well but i mostly enjoyed it because you got to say what you want say even if other elope disargered but it is your choice even if you want to pick the other thing you can even if your best freiend thinks the opposite for expel if you do not like something but soemewon else does you do not have to follow them i have a some friends i make own disguise even if they try i go with myself and i what i tell my self to do not just about them and so what i am saying that it is your choice and it does not matter what other elope sassy it is all about you

  3. Dear Mrs Baldwin ,my topic was tennis. I think Grange school should have a tennis court because you get so fit.

  4. DearMrsBaldwin, my favourite thing about the persuasive task was picking our own topic which was close to us.

    DearMrsBaldwin, my favourite topic was dogs are better than cats and i like it strongly because i have done a few lessons of it and i love dogs.

    DearMrsBaldwin, i think if i was to send this peace to anyone i would probably send it to the animal centre. from kain

  5. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    My topic was people should not kill animals if they are in the shelter for to long. I feel strong about this topic because I love animals and the enrionment. I would send my persuasive peice to the government or the people that work in the shelter. From Hannah

  6. Dear Mrs Baldwin,

    what I liked about persuasive writing was you could choose your own topic and I think mine was a good choice.

    The reason why I choose swimming was because it is a good and fun sport and I know a lot about swimming and it is also good for your health.

    I would send it to the head master because i think my writing was pretty persuasive and I could have a chance to have swimming lessons during school period.

    From Grayson

  7. dear mrs Baldwin I chose the topic older kids should be able too do concerts,
    because some kids would like doing it so much that they might want too do it every year.Also kids that are year 3-7 will get board watching there sisters or brothers.and would love todo it again each and every year.


  8. Dear Miss Baldwin ,
    the thing i enjoyed most about persuasive writing was that we got to choose our own thing that we felt strong about.

    My writing was that students should go to camp every year. I felt strong about it because i had a wonderful time at camp when i went so i would love it if i could go every year.

    From Jasmine

  9. Dear Miss Baldwin,

    my topic was all children should have to go to swimming lesson at least once a week during school time .I feel strong about it because not a lot of children now how to swim and it is good to give them inopportuneity to learn to swim.

    I would give my persuasion peace of work to the priminister because it is a world problem

  10. Dear miss baldwin,
    The thing I enjoyed the most about persuasive writing is that we chosed are topic and it was a lot funer.

  11. Dear miss baldwin i enjoyed the persuasive writing because we got to choose our own topic my topic was our school should have a gymnasium in stead of a gym .and i also enjoyed it because i love writing and i was proud because i was finished and i am glad that you put this post on the blog. from Jessicam

  12. Dear mrs Baldwin ,
    I liked the persuasive writing because we got to chose our own topic.
    I did fisherman should not use nets ne

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