Quick Quote Friday #16

This quote is something that everyone can remember!




Can you explain what this quote means in your own words?

Why do you think it is important to ‘let go’ of the mistakes you have made?

Can you share a mistake that you have made and a lesson you have learnt from it?

11 thoughts on “Quick Quote Friday #16

  1. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    I think it means if you keep things that help you from past mistakes they can help in future events so that mistake doesn’t happen again. For example if you forget something that you needed for school well that’s a mistake but the lesson learnt is that you were unorganised so now you will probably be organised.

    It is important to let it go because it is now in the past and there is no point in brining up past event in the now.

    From Anika

  2. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    You have to let a mistake go because if you don’t you won’t put yourself out there and be ashamed for the rest on your life when you shouldn’t.

  3. Dear Mrs Baldwin, I think this qote means don’t wary about your mistakes but be happy about your corrections.

  4. Hi Mrs Baldwin, Im only going to answer the 3rd question, a mistake I have made is I forgot to get my school bag and I left withour it then I had to go get it. Gemma

  5. Hi Mrs Baldwin, I think this quote means learn from your mistakes, because the past mistakes might stop you from becoming you future self, one example of a mistake I forgot my lunch a couple of days ago and now I know I won’t forget it for a long time. Callum

  6. Dear Mrs Baldwin, The first question means to forget about don’t worry about the mistakes from the past and keep your learning in your head.Lara

  7. Dear miss Baldwin,

    I would have to believe you and it is correct .
    I have learnt to let go of my mistakes a long time ago and I still remember I’ve had jelosy on my Side for 2 months so I know how hard it can be but I learnt to LET IT GO.
    So I know.
    It isn’t esy.

    From Olivia

  8. Dear miss Baldwin,

    I would have to believe you and it is correct .
    I have learnt to let go of my mistakes a long time ago and I still remember I’ve had jelosy on my Side for 2 months so I know how hard it can be but I learnt to LET IT GO.
    So I know.
    It isn’t esy

    From Olivia

  9. Dear miss baldwin
    I think it’s good let go of mistakes because you could teach others not to and I think that it means too take positives out of bad things.

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