Life Cycle of a plant

Our first topic we have been looking in Science has been the life cycle of plants.

We spent last term looking at each stage of the cycle.

Stage 1 – Germination

This is where the seed begins to grow. Seeds are dormant which means they are asleep. When they are given water and sunlight they begin to germinate. The first sprout is called the plumule and the first root is called the radicle.

Check out some of our drawings of seeds below…

Stage 2 – Growth

This is where the seed grows into a mature plant. Depending on the plant and the conditions it is in, determines the speed of which the seed grows into a plant.

Stage 3 – Pollination

This is where the bees play an important role in collecting pollen from the male part of the flower called the stamen. The bee carries the pollen to the next flower. From there the pollen falls onto the stigma (female flower part) and makes its way down the tube until it reaches the ovaries which are then fertilised. Check out some of our diagrams that show these steps in more detail.

Stage 4 – Fruit

Once the flower is fertilised a fruit begins to grow.

We had the chance to look at different fruits so we could see what they look like inside and the role they play in the life cycle of a plant.

Stage 5 – Seeds are dispersed

Seeds are dispersed be many different ways, either by wind, rain, animals, or even humans. Once this happens in the right conditions, the seed should begin to grow starting the cycle all over again.

Check out the video below that we have watched that shows each stage of the cycle. Our final assignment was creating a poster with the plant life cycle using all the information we have learnt over the last term.

What did you learn about the plant lifecycle that you didn’t know about before?

Do you have any other questions or things you would like to know about the life cycle?

What did you enjoy the most about everything we have learnt and did with our Science topic about plants this year and why?

9 thoughts on “Life Cycle of a plant

  1. dear mrs baldwin
    I enjoyed watching the video it was funny😂.I also liked to challenge myself 🙄.I learnt new things about flower.
    From Wil

  2. I learnt that the bee goes and collects the pollen and the pollen is sticks on the wings and some falls onto the stigma and a little seed starts to grow.

    I liked how we watered the seeds because we could actually seed the seed transform into a plant but the bad thing was that it died.

    From Constantina 🐬

  3. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    What I learnt is that a plant needs the right amount of moisture sunlight temperature and nutrients .

    What I enjoyed about this was learning about all the different parts of a plant.

  4. dear misses b
    i learned how make a bean seed
    is it different for reeds?
    if they make beads don’t wanna eat seeds!
    from jonathan

  5. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    That there are 6 parts to a plant lifecycle and also that plants have the same lifecycle.
    I would like to know if all plants have the same plant lifecycle. If maybe some maybe have only 5 or 4 or even maybe 3 parts.
    I enjoyed the plant lifecycle because i learnt lots of things about plants and it was fascinating.

    By James G

  6. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    I learnt that when the bees collect the pollen they drop some onto the style witch then goes to the ovule and it turn into a seed.

    No I do not have any more questions about the Plant Life Cycle.

    When we had to draw the big inside of the flower with all of the scientific parts.


  7. Dear ms Baldwin,
    the thing i learnt was that i did not no was the anther that the bees collect the pollen
    from the anther and the left pollen is dropped in to the styles
    From laksmon

  8. Dear Mrs Baldwin

    I learn’t lots of new science projects like Germination and Pollination

    Do the bees come in a certain season

    The poster because of leaning the life cycle of a plant

  9. dear miss baldwin i learnt lots of new science projects like Germination and Pollination . do the bees come in a season the poster of learning the life cycle of a plant

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