The how and why of measurement

This term our class will be learning about measurement of length along with perimeter and area of shapes and objects. This is always an enjoyable topic as it is easy to see how important and how often we use measuring skills in real life situations.

As a class we talked about what types of jobs or people would use rulers or measuring skills. Here are some of our ideas:


We began by looking at two of the main tools we use in the classroom to measure objects which include a ruler (30cm) and a metre ruler. We discussed how to use these rulers correctly. It is important to make sure that when we measure we begin at the 0 and not at the 1cm or at the edge of the ruler.

Next we worked in groups to write down 3 objects we would measure in millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres. We had to predict what the length would be of each object and then use either ruler to find out the correct answer.

Finally to finish off the week we all worked in large groups and were given different strips of paper. We decided to make a competition for which team could have the most accurate measurement of each strip. This was quite a challenge as everyone had to work together as a team and there was a time limit to complete each round. In total there were 5 rounds with 6 strips in each bag to complete. This was a lot of fun and really helped us practice our skills of measuring accurately and using our rulers correctly.

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There are many activities that Mrs. Baldwin has planned this term which will involve working in groups both inside and outside the classroom and taking on a large project that will guarantee to challenge and excite everyone! Watch this space!!


Can you think of an example apart from school where you have used a measuring tool to measure something?

What would happen if you used a ruler and measured an object beginning from the 1cm?

Can you think of other measuring tools besides a metre ruler and the 30cm school ruler, and when would you use them?


8 thoughts on “The how and why of measurement

  1. dear mrs b
    if you won’t to measure the school you would need to have a ) well

    you can use a one meter ruler

    By Cooper

  2. Dear Mrs Baldwin
    I have used a ruler for measuring maths in our class and I use them all the time when we are doing measuring in maths in class. I also use a trundle wheel to measure big things like and soccer pitch or an oval. My mum and dad drive kilometres every day.

  3. dear mrs baldwin,

    I had to use a ruler to measure things and I used the meter ruler to measure the cupboard and used the trundle wheel for the other things.

  4. Dear mrs baldwin when My family has used a measuring tool at home was when we moved in to check furniture, appliances and other things that are in the house now.

    You would be a cm off .

    Measuring tape and trundle wheel for measuring pitches and houses.
    From David

  5. Dear, mrs baldwin I used a measuring tape to measure a piece of wood when me and my step brother where doing wood work.

    Dear, mrs Baldwin they wood get the answer wrong because you need to start at the first long line you see that is the line for zero.

    Dear, mrs Baldwin other measuring tools would be measuring tape which is also tape measure . From kain

  6. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    An example of a measuring tool is a tape measure. You use tape measures to measure round things and things that curl. For example, a soccer ball. That’s round so you can use a tape measure. You can’t use a meter ruler or a normal 30″ ruler, so you use a tape measure that can bend.

    From Hayden

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