8 thoughts on “Quick Quote Friday #12

  1. Dear Mrs B

    I think that the quote means the more you read the more you will know more words and the meaning of that word.

    From Luke

  2. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    I think that the quote means if you love to learn then you miles well learn. Some people take the information and use it and some people use it in a different way they may use a language that learnt from school. There’s also another way books. Books can teach you all different things like words and information. For some people it’s there learning instead of school and for some it’s for enjoyment. All books are different they can take you places that you can’t imagine. Books will never end.

    From Anika

  3. dear Mrs Baldwin,

    I think this quote means books are not just for reading and injuring the book but you can learn things from it as well.

    When I read ‘LEO the littlest seahorse” at the end of the book on the back page there was some interesting facts about the seahorse it told me that the boy seahorse lays the eggs

    i like reading mystery books especially Thea Sillton. Why i like Thea Sillton is because on every couple of pages there are little clues and that gets me really exited.

    From Anah

  4. Dear Mrs Baldwin

    I think the quote means that the more you read the more you will like reading so you will read different types of books and you may like them as well.

    I love humorous, mysterious, puzzle and novels {long novels{300 page}}.

  5. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    I think think this quote means if you learn
    It will take you places. I read fiction books
    Because they can be crazy.
    From Josh

  6. Dear Mrs Baldwin

    I think the quote means the more you learn,the more places you will go. the better you are at reading the easer it will be.

    From Charlie S

  7. Dear Mrs Baldwin, I like reading funny books and action books because does types are my favourite types of categories. I think the quote means that the more you learn the more opportunities you’ll get to go places. I have learnt from a book called the gizmo because if you be bad to people you get punished.

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