Measuring and Estimating Length

Today we began our new Maths topic – Measurement.

The skills we will be learning in measurement are:

  • What is length and how can we measure it?
  • Appropriate measuring tools and how to use them
  • Units of measurement: millimeters., centimeters, metres and kilometres.
  • Perimeter
  • Area
  • converting units of measurement

To begin with we brainstormed what we thought units of measurement were and what units of measurement we would use to measure certain objects. Here are some examples:

Small units of length are called millimetres.

A millimetre is about the thickness of a plastic id card (or credit card).

Or about the thickness of 10 sheets of paper on top of each other.

This is a very small measurement!

id card


When you have 10 millimetres, it can be called a centimetre.

1 centimetre = 10 millimetres

A fingernail is about one centimetre wide.


metre is equal to 100 centimetres.

1 meter = 100 centimetres

The length of this guitar is about 1 metre

1 meter

kilometre is equal to 1000 meters.

When you need to get from one place to another, you measure the distance using kilometres.

The distance from one city to another or how far a plane travels would be measured using kilometeres.


Our task was to work in partners and record 3 objects in the room that we could measure in metres, 3 objects we could measure in centimetres and 3 objects we could measure in kilometres.

We then had to predict the length of all our items and record them in a table in our books.

Finally we had to choose the appropriate ruler (metre or class rulers) and measure the lengths of each item to see how close we were.

Mrs Baldwin was very impressed with the team work and how everyone was making sure their ruler was held correctly and making sure they began at the 0. It was also great to see techniques such as using a finger or a pencil to mark items if they were quite long items and needed a longer ruler.

measuring measuring measuring measuring measuring

If you click on the icon below there is a 10 question quiz on measurement!


Can you name one item you would measure using millimetres, centimetres and metres?

What jobs in the real world would require you to measure items and why would measuring them be so important?

Can you give an example of how you would convert a measurement into a different unit, for example cm to mm or km to m?

9 thoughts on “Measuring and Estimating Length

  1. Dear Mrs Baldwin

    A job in the real world that you need to measure in is being a builder because if you can’t make something straight it may end up being unsafe. To convert cm to mm you need to find out how many mm are in a cm. So there is 10 mm in 1 cm so that means 1 cm = 10 mm

    From Brodie

  2. Dear Mrs Baldwin,

    Something I would measure in millimetres would be an ant. I would use centimetres to measure the length of a pencil. I would measure a couch in metres.

    A job where you would measure things would be if you were an architect. If you were an architect you would have to measure the length of designs so it would be built properly.

    From Noah.

  3. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    In the real world the job that would need measurement is probobly a mathermatitions and sinentists that was all I could think of at the time.
    The reason measurement is so inportant is because insted of using hands to measure a plane you could use mm, cm, meters or km and then it would be easyer.

    How would you explane measurement and the reason measurement is so inportant ?

    From Karina

  4. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    One thing I would measure in millimetres is a fly, something I would measure in centimetres is the height of myself, something I would measure in dencimetres is the with of the aquarium. Something I would measure in meters is the height of the classroom and something I would measure in kilometres is the length of Grange Rd.

    In the real world a job you would use measurement for is being an architect to measure the height, length and width of various rooms and corridors.

  5. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    I think something you can measure using millimetres is a pencil tip. Something you could measure with centimetres is a pencil and something I think you could measure a road with kilometres.

    You use measuring in building because you need to make everything straight and right other wise it would be very crooked.
    From Gracie

  6. Dear Mrs Baldwin, one item i would choose was a novel for cm for mm i would measure a pencil for m i would do was tv.

    well if you were a nurse or what i want to be a midwife.
    From Megan

  7. dear Mrs Baldwin one of the jobs you need to know measurement for is being a police officer because when you are investigating a car crash you need a trendier wheel.
    From Luis

  8. Dear Mrs Baldwin
    I measured Lewis m and he was one meter and sixteen centimetre I used the one meter rule and a small

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