European Explorers – Why?

During Term 1 we have been learning about European Explorers and how and why they explored the world. We have been teaming up with Ms Carmens Year 3/4 class every fortnight to learn together about the different explorers and what they discovered.

Why did European Explorers travel the world?

There were many reason as to why people went explorer all those years ago. In small groups we were giving 5 information cards and on each table there was one object that provided a clue as to why people went exploring. We had to guess what they clue meant and find the piece of information that matched the clue and then record some interesting facts about the reason as to why they went exploring. The clues were:





Coins and Gold











What are the reasons?

Trade of Spices

Spices were only found in Asian countries like China, Japan, and India (these countries were known together as “The Indies”). Exotic spices such as cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and peppercorns were used to cover the foul taste of salted meat, a process that was necessary to preserve meat for the winter season. The wealthy also used ground spices in medicines.



Where some countries found power in wealth, others found power in land. Many explorers were sponsored by kings who wanted to conquer new areas to colonize and civilize. This lead to a competition between several of Europe’s countries. Portugal, England, France and Spain were battling over land in the New World and on other continents. Some European rulers, Empires especially the King of Spain and the King of Portugal, wanted to claim as much land as they could. They wanted to take all of the natural resources from this land and use the people that lived there as slaves to do their work.


The spread of Christianity

Religion was very important to people and many explorers left their own country to spread their religion to new lands. In the late 1400s, there was only one religion in Europe, Christianity. Christianity was a popular religion throughout Europe during the Age of Exploration. Members tried to convert others who do not believe in the same faith.



 European rulers fought many wars. They fought against each other and against the Turkish Empire. These wars were very expensive, so they needed to find lots of gold, silver, and precious stones to pay for them. They believed that Asia was loaded with gold, silver, and precious stones, so they decided to find it and bring it back. Many explorers went on voyages based on legends and stories of cities built of gold and roads paved with gems.


Adventure and Glory

Many explorers and travelers had a desire to “find out what was on the other side.” They loved life on the sea and were intrigued by the thought of new culture and new discovery. In the late 1400s, Europeans did not know much about the world. The European map of the world included only Europe, Asia, and the top of Africa.



The spread of Christianity

Religion was very important to people and many explorers left their own country to spread their religion to new lands. In the late 1400s, there was only one religion in Europe, Christianity. Christianity was a popular religion throughout Europe during the Age of Exploration. Members tried to convert others who do not believe in the same faith.

What was something you learnt about why explorers went exploring?

If you were an explorer what would be your reason to sail the open seas and why?

6 thoughts on “European Explorers – Why?

  1. Hello Mrs. Baldwin’s class,
    We just launched our new unit in Social Studies: Early Civilizations (ex. Ancient Greece, Rome, China, Medieval Europe). We can definitely connect with the study of European Explorers!

    If I were an explorer, I would want to sail the open seas to discover new nations and cultures. I would want to learn about how they have cultivated the land and if there were any riches.

  2. Dear mrs baldwin,
    I learnt that the European explorers went to explor the whole australiato be famous. to be famous and help other people

  3. Dear Ms Baldwin,

    I learnt that explorers went exploring because they wanted to be rich & be famous,

    I would want to go exploring because I would want the money and find treasure.

    From Tarj😃😀

  4. Dear Mrs Baldwin,

    I learnt that they went exploring so they can earn more money .

    The reason I would go sailing would be so I can get richer .

  5. dear Mrs Baldwin,

    to answer the first question i think they went exploring to find new places to name in the world but in Eupe because we have been learning about european explores

    from Sophie

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