All about Perimeter

This week we have been looking at perimeter.

Perimeter is the distance around a two dimensional shape.

To calculate the perimeter of a shape you need to measure each side accurately and then add all the sides together to get the total distance.


P = 10cm + 7cm + 4cm + 7cm = 28cm

Our class have been very clever because we have been solving some Year 6 perimeter activities. We all have been using different strategies to solve the perimeter of different shapes. Some of us add the numbers in our heads and write the answer down, some of us write down the numbers to add together and then write the answer and some of us use formulas such as these:

Triangle Triangle
Perimeter = a + b + c
Square Square
Perimeter = 4 × a
a = length of side
Rectangle Rectangle
Perimeter = 2 × (w + h)
w = width
h = height



Here are some shapes you can try yourself!


Can you solve these perimeter questions?

Can you think of a situation in everyday life where you would need to find the perimeter of something?

What strategy do you use to solve the perimeter of each shape?

4 thoughts on “All about Perimeter

  1. Dear miss Baldwin ,
    I enjoy doing perimeter because it’s easy for me but the year six one on the board is a bit tricky for me .you would have to find the perimeter of glass because you will need to know how much to use for your windows at home . Jess m

  2. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    With the perimeter questions you put up on the blog, I think I could solve the perimeter problems.
    My strategy with perimeter problems is just well… I just add up, that’s all,no big deal.

    From Jackson

  3. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    You would need perimeter if you are an architect to measure the length of the house you want to build.

    There is a strategy if there all equal I just use times tables which I use a lot in math

  4. Dear mrs b
    Yes I can shovel them it’s easy

    I can use times tables to the questions to get Coret

    By cooper

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