Our Dream House

Over the first few weeks of this term our class has been working hard both at school and home to create our very own dream house each.

The task was to:

  • Use a ruler to design the house of your dreams including 3 bedrooms, living area, kitchen, bathroom, garage, patio and a room of your choice.
  • Use an appropriate scale to draw your house eg: 1cm = 1m
  • Include all windows and doors.
  • Calculate the perimeter and area of each room
  • Calculate the perimeter and area of the entire house
  • Design a fence for your house and calculate the perimeter of it.
  • Extension: use the flooring catalogues provided to calculate the cost to floor particular rooms in your house.


Everyone was really excited to have the opportunity to design their own house as we were able to use our imaginations to create some spectacular houses and interesting rooms.

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When calculating the perimeter of each room we needed to make sure that we measured each wall of the room accurately to then add these together. This was challenging for some of us who had irregular shaped rooms. We then had to make sure that we showed our working out and included the correct units of measurement in our answer

When calculating the area of each room some of us decided to use the grid paper to count all the squares in each room. This worked well when we had irregular shaped rooms. If we had a rectangular or a square shaped room we were able to use the formula A=Length x Width to calculate the answer. We also had to show our working out and use the correct units of measurement.

The challenging parts where calculating the perimeter and area of the entire house. When calculating the perimeter of the entire house we had to add all the outside walls together (the boundary) to find the answer.  If we had a large house this required a lot of concentration. Some of us decided to add all the numbers together which made for a very large addition sum, whilst others decided to break up the addition sum into smaller ones and slowly add each answer together. We were able to use a calculator to check our answers. To calculate the area we could simply add the area of all the rooms in our house to find the total. Sometimes this meant adding quite large numbers and it really allowed us to practice our addition skills that we learnt earlier in the year.

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When we finished we were able to colour in our house and they are now on display for everyone to see. Everyone did a wonderful job and it was a lot of fun!


What did you enjoy most about the Dream House Assignment?

What did you find the most challenging to calculate and why?

What else would have you liked to have done or investigated in this assignment?



17 thoughts on “Our Dream House

  1. Dear Mrs Baldwin

    I enjoyed doing the area because it gave me a little challenge. The most challanging part was calculating the whole area. The thing that I would like to do would be make the house out of cardboard.

    From Luke

  2. Dear Mrs Baldwin I really enjoyed doing the dream house because you could unleash your creativity. And make your own house what I found difficult with the canculateing is adding up the area of your house.And finally what else I would want to do in the assignment is adding your furniture on the paper from Lewis.

  3. Dear Mrs B,
    What I enjoyed most about the dream house was that we got to go on the computer and create all of the furniture.
    I found that it was most challenging to calculate the perimeter of the whole house because you had to triple check it.
    From Gracie

  4. Dear Mrs Baldwin,

    What I enjoyed the most
    about the dream house
    Assignment was designing
    The house.

    What I found most challenging
    in this tast is When we had to
    calculate the area of the whole
    House because it was a very big
    some to add up

    What I would like to have done
    in this investigation was to build
    our dream house

    From Anah

  5. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    The thing I most enjoyed was being able to dessign our own dream home with the little features that we wanted in the house like a ensuite or pool.

    The thing I found most challenging was the area in my family room and the games area because those rooms are humongous.

    The other thing I wanted to do was to make and furnish are houses. It would have been so much and it would have been the best math project so far.

    From Anika

  6. Dear mrs Baldwin

    I enjoyed getting to go on the computer to make our dream house on small blue print beucase when I was 7 I thught about being an architect.

    I found it hard to caculate the area of the house I had no resen it was just hard.

    I would of liked to finish the task on small blue print beucase it was fun.

    from Luis

  7. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    The thing I enjoyed about the dream house assignment was drawing it up and colouring it in. So basically digning it all up. I found two things hard to calculate was the area and the perimetre of the house. I found it challenging. I would have liked to investigate how much money would the whole house cost. It would be challenging but I would like to give it a try!

    From Ella

  8. Dear Mrs Baldwin

    What I enjoyed most about the assignment is the fence because it was easy. The most challenging part of it was calculating the perimeter of the entire house. What I would love to do is put a roof on the house.
    from Brodie

  9. Dear mrs Baldwin,

    What I enjoyed most about the assignment was creating and drawing up the dream house. I found the most challenging thing was finding the perimeter of the house. I would’ve liked to have built the house the house with sticks and cardboard.

    from Charlie. S.

  10. Dear MrsBaldwin,

    I enjoyed drawing the house the most because it was fun planing it.
    I found that the perimeter of the whole house was the hardest to do because I got confused because the cauclater gave me four different answers went I was cheaking if it was right or not,so I had to do it over and over again.

    From Asha

  11. Dear Mrs Baldwin
    What I enjoyed most about the Dream house was planning your house because you could
    design your house how you wanted to and we had a chance to put furniture in your house.

  12. Dear Mrs Baldwin,

    The thing I enjoyed the most about the dream house assignment was designing the rooms because you get to make them any size and in any place you want to.

    I would of liked everyone to have to do the flooring instead of doing it as a bonus activity because I didn’t get enough time and I wanted to do it.

    I found calculating the perimeter of the whole house the most challenging because I had to add lots of numbers instead of just adding two together.

  13. Dear Mrs Baldwin,
    The thing I enjoyed most about the dream house was planning the house itself because you could go creative and add in anything you would like in.

    The step I found most difficult to calculate was calculating the area of the house because I had to add lots of difficult numbers.

    I would of liked to figure out how much the house would cost to build – you would probably need to figure out the structural material and some other stuff.

  14. Dear Mrs B,
    what i like most about doing the dream house is that we got to desine the house on paper and the thing that was most hard for me was the whole house perimeter. from jess

  15. Dear Mrs Baldwin

    What I enjoyed most was the area because u learnt more about the inside then the out side.
    What I found challenging was the building because u had to look how much space u had.

    From Lachie

  16. Dear mrs Baldwin

    I enjoyed most about the dream house
    Was doing the plan of the house.
    Also I liked writing the perimeter
    And the area

    From adam

  17. To Dear Mrs Baldwin

    My favoret part was the area because it was a big challenge to find it all out and some parts were really hard😃🐸🙉👹😹👽

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